Berlin-based community for builders and thinkers, located in Friedrichshain, near Boxhagener Platz. We are a group that values agency, thoughtfulness, ambition, and kindness. Our goal is to grow together and become the best versions of ourselves.

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We are an international community


We value agency, thoughtfulness, ambition and kindness. We aim to grow and become the best version of ourselves - together.

  • Kindness: To each other, and to the world.

  • Agency: Problems do not solve themselves, ideas are not created out of nothing - we take action and initiate!

  • Thoughtfulness: thinking deeply and critically about ourselves, our actions, and the world.

  • Ambition: We realize our dreams, we aim for the moon.


Aurea is inspired by techno-optimist principles such as a an ambition to effectively, and positively impact humanity, and kindness towards future human generations and the long-term future.

Excited about technology and its opportunities, yet wary of extreme risks, we are looking to thoughtfully contribute to advancing what's beneficial and slowing what's dangerous.

We strongly interface with international communities such as AI / Silicon Valley tech, the start-up community, EA & Rationality, web3, biohacking & self-improvement, spirituality and mindfulness, burning man culture, and progress studies.

Impressum: Aurea Berlin, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin

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